It Gets Complex, Pt 2

There are several problems with relying on the Brush's Selection inspector to examine tiles: often it's just not that easy to locate which tile you wish to examine. This is especially an issue for TilePlus tiles because they can be invisible (if you wish). You have to select the correct tilemap as well, and that isn't always obvious or you might just forget.

Another problem is that you're relying on the brush. What if you want to use a different brush: you end up switching brushes repeatedly. It would be really nice to be able to view all the TilePlus tiles in one window, sorted by which tilemap they're on.

If you have Odin inspector installed, the Tools/TilePlus menu has an option called "Utility Window."

Utility Window

As you can see, it's almost exactly the same as the Tile+Brush Selection Inspector display, except that tiles are sorted by which tilemap they are on. Clicking on a tile on the left side both displays the tile information on the right, but also draws a box around the tile in the scene view if Gizmos are on. If the tile is a TpPrefab (a tile with a linked prefab) and the tile and the prefab are at the same place then a box is drawn around the prefab as well.

You'd be surprised how handy this is!